Chess Camps are open to all scholastic chess players from Kindergarten through 12th, beginners to 1800 USCF.
Single day pricing is available ($78/day)
Payment required at time of registration. Register for 5 days and save $$$
A 501 (c) (3) Charitable Organization
5 each 30 minute stations consisting of:
- Individual Computerized Training
- Puzzle Station
- Video Projector Lesson
- Win when you're winning
- Demo Board Lesson
All lessons are individualized for your child
Every Student Receives a Trophy and Certificate of Completion with photo
CHESS CAMPS - Coming Soon
Give your child the opportunity to receive chess instruction from one of the most successful scholastic coaches in Arizona.
Maximum 8:1 Student/Teacher Ratio
Guaranteed !!
Dedicated to the Development and Promotion of Scholastic Chess